1. Register your team online (recommended) or complete a team application (Youth League Application / Adult League Application).
  2. Youth teams submit a non-refundable deposit of $200.00 for Winter 1 and /or Winter 2 at registration, which will guarantee your spot into the league. Teams that sign up after registration will be placed into the leagues on a first come-first served basis.
  3. Adult teams submit a non-refundable deposit of $200.00 for all sessions. Adult teams, currently playing in a league have the first right to re-sign for the following session and must submit all paper work and a $200.00 deposit no later than the second to last week of the current session, which will hold their teams spot for the upcoming session.


All teams must pay the balance of their league fee as stated on the team contract, which is on the bottom of the online application or the back of the paper application. Failure to pay as stated may result in your team being dropped from the league. If a team removes itself from a league, all fees paid shall be forfeited. If All American Indoor Sports drops a team from a league, all fees paid shall be forfeited. No refunds or game credits shall be given for the following:

  1. Forfeited games
  2. Inclement weather
  3. Stoppage of a game due to player and/or spectator misconduct or injury.


Youth Rosters must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the start of the first game.
Adult Players must be registered and assigned to their team prior to the start of the first game.

All rosters MUST include:

  1. Team name and team number
  2. Coaches name
  3. Manager’s name and email address
  4. Session, field type, age group and gender
  5. Player names
  6. Signature

All rosters must be finalized prior to the start of the fourth game. The maximum number of players allowed on a 7v7 or 6v6 roster is 18, except U19 premier teams who can roster 22 players, but can only bring 18 to each game. There is no maximum number of players allowed on a 4V4/Pony roster and sister teams are allowed to dual roster up to four players. After the start of the fourth game, a team may place a new member on their roster only if another member has a season ending injury. If a team is caught using a non-rostered player, the team will be forced to forfeit the game. Players may only be rostered on one team per division. Guest players are not permitted.

In order to participate in adult leagues all players must be at least 18 years of age at the start of the session. Players participating in Over 30 leagues must be at least 30 years of age at the start of the session. Also, players participating in our Soccer Moms leagues must be at least 28 years of age and a novice skill level at the start of the session. If a team is caught with a player who’s age does not meet the division guidelines or skill level is inappropriate for the division, the team will be forced to forfeit the game.


NOTE: All players must be born on or after January 1st of the specified year.


Adult Leagues

In order to participate in league play, it is the player’s responsibility to present to the referee, at the start of each game, a current player card. Team managers are responsible to ensure that all players have a current player card for ALL GAMES, and must be listed on the team roster for ALL GAMES. NO PLAYER CARD = NO PLAY! If a player is not rostered and plays in a game it will result in a forfeit.

Youth Leagues

It is the responsibility of the team manager and/or coach to sign out their team roster, from our front desk, and turn it into the referee before the start of each game. After every game team managers or coaches must retrieve their roster and return it to the front desk. Rosters will be available at the front desk where your game is scheduled; Lenexa or Overland Park. NO TEAM ROSTER = NO PLAY! If your roster is not signed out and turned in to the referee before your game starts, your team will lose its right to protest the game.

To Register A Player

You can register online* and pay fees or;

1. Submit a registration fee, expires annually, at our Lenexa facility.
2. Submit a completed and signed player registration-waiver and release of liability form, players under the age of 18 must have the form signed by a parent or guardian.

A. Youth players must have their photo taken at front desk of any location, and submit proof of age.
B. Adults (18 and older) – Present a valid picture ID. (Driver’s license or passport).
C. Youth (under 18) – Driver’s license, Copy of Birth certificate, Passport, USYSA player ID or USYSA Certified Roster.

*Online registrations: Adults must show their ID at our Lenexa facility. Youth players must submit proof of birth to their team manager or coach or turn in to All American.

Adult Players

If a player has registered and has forgotten their player card a temporary card may be purchased for $3.00 + tax. In order to get a temporary card you must have a current registration to play at our facilities. Temporary cards are only valid for one game, and are only available to adult players age 18 or older. There is an additional fee for replacement player cards.


The following shall occur after a red card is issued.

  1. Immediate ejection from the current game and player box.
  2. Players that receive a red card will surrender their player card to AAIS management for their suspension period.
  3. The referee will file a red card report detailing the reason for the red card.
  4. AAIS management will review the report and suspend the player from league play for a minimum of THREE WEEKS. FIGHTING: FIRST OFFENSE = TEN WEEK SUSPENSION, FIGHTING: SECOND OFFENSE: BANNED FROM OUR FACILITIES.
  5. Suspensions are from all league play at our Lenexa and Overland Park facilities. 6. Accumulating multiple red cards will increase the length of suspension. Note: Red cards may be given prior to, during, or after league play with no refund.


No protest will be upheld based on a judgment call by the referee. Protests may only be filed when a team manager feels that the team they are playing has an illegal player. The following is a list of illegal players; players not listed on the roster, players listed on more than one team roster in the same division and players that do not meet the age requirement or skill level of the division. The following steps must be followed in protesting a game:

  1. During the game the team manager/or coach must have an AAIS Manager or staff member witness the player, in question, participating in the game.
  2. File a written protest using the AAIS protest form.
  3. The completed protest form must be submitted with a protest fee of $25.00. Protest fees must be in the form of cash or credit card.
  4. The team requesting a protest will also have their team roster and players checked during the game.

All protests forms must be submitted no later than 15 minutes from the conclusion of the game. The protest fee will be returned if the protest is upheld, otherwise the protest fee shall be forfeited. AAIS management will notify both team managers, within 48 hours, of the decision regarding the protest.

NOTE: Youth teams that do not sign out their roster and turn it in to the referee before their game will lose the right to protest their game. Adult teams that do not have their players turn in all their cards before the game starts lose their right to protest their game.


During league play, each team will earn points for the following: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss. Teams will accumulate points as the league progresses. Rankings will be based on the accumulated point total a team has earned. If teams have identical point totals, the following tiebreaker system will apply:

  1. Total goal differential (goals for minus goals against)
  2. Total number of wins
  3. Total number of goals for (goals scored)
  4. Coin Toss

Note: If more than two teams are tied in total team points, and the teams did not play each team an equal amount of games, then rankings will be determined by total goal differential. In the full field leagues individual game goal differentials will be capped at 8 goals and the 4V4 games will be capped at 15 goals.

The following is our standard playoff system: Based on the ranking of the league standings, the following teams will play against each other. The final championship game is the determining factor for 1st place of the league. Note: Some league champions may be determined by using different playoff systems so please refer to your printed league schedule.

1st Place versus 2nd Place for the league championship.
3rd Place versus 4th Place for third place in the league.
5th Place versus 6th Place for fifth place in the league, etc.


Refer to The Laws of the Game here.


A team shall forfeit a game thus losing the game by a score of 0-4 for any of the following reasons:

  1. Not enough players to start or continue a game. Adult & Youth teams: Game time is forfeit time!
  2. If 3 red cards are given in one game.
  3. Misconduct of players, coaches, and/or spectators.
  4. Using non-rostered players.
  5. Benches clearing during a fight.
  6. Not having conflict jerseys.
  7. All players registered and/or forms turned in and fees paid.


If your team is unable to play at the originally scheduled time and would like to reschedule the game, it is the team manager’s responsibility to organize the reschedule game. All rescheduled games must be played one week prior to playoffs.

The following steps must be followed:

  1. Reschedule game request must be made verbally to an AAIS manager no later than 24 hours before game time. Note: Once you have contacted AAIS management, your team will be removed from the original game time, and that game time will become available to all others seeking to reschedule a game.
  2. AAIS management will supply you with the opposing teams contact information, phone numbers, e-mail address and all available game times. Note: Available times are given to numerous teams, so it is important to act quickly in order to get a new game time reserved. Times are reserved on a first come first serve basis.
  3. Team managers are to speak with each other to discuss team availability. Once a reschedule time has been agreed upon, both team managers must talk with an AAIS manager to confirm and reserve the new game time.

If a rescheduled game is not played the team that originally requested the change will forfeit the game and standings will show 0-4 loss. Reschedule games are not guaranteed and there are no refunds for games not played.


Any games that are rescheduled due to weather will be rescheduled at the discretion of management. No refunds will be issued. All American reserves the right to reschedule these games on days that the teams have not registered to play. Please go to our web page and Facebook for bad weather news.



To score more goals than your opponent.


A goal is scored when the entire ball, while in play, has passed completely over the goal line, between the goal posts and under the crossbar.



All Full Field divisions U19 and below.
All games will consist of a 15-minute pre-game period, one 50 minute period.

All 4V4 divisions (excluding Pony), U14 and below.
All games will consist of a 15-minute pre-game period, one 50 minute period.

All 4V4 Pony games (4/5/6 yr olds).
All games will consist of a 13 minute practice, two 20 minute halves and a 2 minute half time.


Men’s, Women’s, & Coed, 18 years old and above.
All games will consist of a 15-minute pre-game period, one 50 minute period.


At the conclusion of a game and at the end of the period, the clock will be set allowing the teams to visually track the 15-minute warmup. The clock will not be stopped; the starting line up for each team must be prepared to begin play when the pre-game minutes have expired. If the pre-game minutes have expired and a team has too many players on the field, a two minute penalty may be issued for delay of game.

The clock will run continuously for all youth games. Adult games the clock will run continuously EXCEPT when the referee deems it necessary to stop the clock (serious injuries, ball trapped in netting, etc.). No time outs may be called by either team. Also, if a penalty kick is awarded and time runs out prior to the penalty kick being taken, the referee shall not end the game until after the penalty kick is taken.



A kickoff from center mark starts play at the beginning of each period. Immediately prior to the kickoff, all players remain in their respective defensive halves and all defending players are outside of the center circle. Once the referee signals the kickoff, a player of the team having the kickoff has 5 seconds to play the ball in any direction. The same player may not again play the ball until it touches another player.


The referee designates the end of the field each team will defend, in accordance with administrative policy.


The home team takes the opening kickoff.


After any stoppage of play, the referee will award either a direct free kick or drop ball. The following is a listing of the various stoppages of play and the resulting restart.

Stoppages which result in Direct Free Kick restart: (Ball must be stationary)

Note: A goal may be scored without touching another player.

Note: Defensive players must remain 10 feet away from the ball until it has been played. If a player does not give at least 10 feet, the referee may issue a 2 minute penalty for encroachment, if deemed intentional. The offensive team does not have to ask for the 10 feet.

Note: The offensive team shall have 5 seconds to play the ball once it has been set by one of their team members or the referee. If a team fails to play the ball within 5 seconds, the free kick shall be awarded to the other team.

1. A goal is scored. The ball shall be placed in the center of the center circle and restarted by the team which was scored on. A whistle by the referee must signal this restart. The kick off may be played in any direction, forward or back.

2. A foul is called outside of the penalty area. The ball shall be placed within a 3 foot radius of where the foul occurred and restarted by the team which was not called for the infraction.

3. A foul is called within the penalty area against the offensive team. The ball shall be placed within a 3 foot radius of where the foul occurred and restarted by the defensive team.

4. A foul is called within the penalty area against the defensive team. If the foul directly takes away a goal scoring opportunity, a 2 minute penalty shall be accessed and a penalty kick shall be awarded. For the penalty kick, the ball shall be spotted at the red dot inside the penalty area. All players except the goalkeeper and shooter must remain outside of the penalty area. The goalkeeper must keep his feet planted on the goal line until the ball has been played. The shooter will have 5 seconds to play the ball after the referee blows his whistle to indicate the restart. The shooter must start his approach to the ball from inside the restraining arc. If the foul does not directly take away a goal scoring opportunity, a free kick at the top of the restraining arc will be awarded. This restart must be signaled by a referee’s whistle.

5. The ball touched the netting located above the side walls. The ball shall be placed within a 3 foot radius underneath the spot where the ball initially touched the netting. The ball must be no further than 3 feet from the wall when restarted. The team that did not touch the ball last, shall be awarded the free kick.

6. The ball touches the netting located above the end walls.

Last touched by the offensive team. The result will be a goal kick. The ball may be placed anywhere within the goal box. The restart must clear the penalty area before being touched. If it is touched before clearing the penalty area, the result shall be another goal kick.

Last touched by the defensive team. The result will be a corner kick. The ball shall be placed on the red dot located at the corner of the field closest to where the ball touched the net. A whistle must signal the restart.

The ball touches the netting located directly above the playing field. The ball shall be spotted at the center of the closest redline from where the ball initially touched the netting. The team that did not touch the ball last shall restart play.

7. Any unusual stoppage of play when a team demonstrates possession of the ball.

The team that had possession of the ball when the stoppage occurred shall restart the play. The ball shall be restarted from the location where the stoppage occurred. All other players must be at least 10 feet away.

Stoppages that result in Drop Ball restart

The referee will have one member from each team participate. In Coed leagues, the participants must be female. The referee will drop the ball in between the two players. The ball must strike the ground before being played, if not, the ball will be redropped.

1. Unusual stoppages of play when no team had control of the ball.
2. When a ball goes out of play & the ref could not determine who touched it last.
3. A foul is called simultaneously against a player on each team.


Only team players, a coach and/or manager are allowed in the bench area, (player’s box). All teams under 19 and below and teams playing in the adult division with player’s under 21 years must have an adult, 21 years or older, present in the player’s box during the entire game. At the conclusion of your game please be courteous to the next team and promptly leave the field and exit the player’s box, allowing the next game to start on time.


Uniforms:  All players must wear uniforms of the same color. Goalkeepers must wear uniforms that will distinguish them from the rest of the players on both teams. In the event of a color conflict among teams, the team listed first on the schedule is the home team and is responsible to change into alternate uniforms. If the home team does not have alternate uniforms, the referee reserves the right to make them forfeit the game. Teams will NOT be allowed to play shirts versus skins.

The only shoes that will be permitted on the field will be “athletic” shoes, turf shoes with soft nubs no longer than 1/8 of an inch or flat soled indoor soccer shoes. Molded cleats, screw in studs or longer, hard nub turf shoes are not acceptable.

If a leg or arm brace must be worn, any metal areas must be covered to the point where it does not pose a danger to other players. Any cast worn must be properly padded to the satisfaction of the referee and management.

Players must remove all jewelry before entering the game. This includes earrings, watches, necklaces, bracelets, etc. Rings shall be removed if deemed dangerous by the referee.

Shin guards are mandatory for all players:  Any player, who is not wearing shin guards, will not be allowed to play. Shin guards are mandatory for adults and youth.

Mouthpieces are not required but are strongly recommended.

Safety headgear is allowed, including soft goalie helmets: (examples of headgear not allowed: hats, bandanas, do-rags, etc.)

Players requiring treatment for injury: The Referee sends any player to the Team Bench who requires treatment for injury or blood (regardless whether the blood is the player’s or another’s, or is on his or her body or uniform.) This occurs at the first opportunity recognized by the Referee, whether at the game’s next stoppage or the Referee’s order when (i) the injury is deemed critical, (ii) by the location of the injured player, he is likely to interfere with play, or (iii) the injured player’s team has control of the ball. Any player sent off for treatment may not re-enter until fit to return and, if applicable, until the expiration of the player’s Time Penalty. The Referee shall approve any blood treatment prior to allowing the player to re-enter the field. If allowed by the Referee and permitted by administrative policy, a player whose uniform is stained with blood and untreated may wear alternative clothing.


Under 12 and below:
6 field players + 1 goalkeeper
Minimum #: 4 players + 1 goalkeeper

Under 13 and above:
5 field players + 1 goalkeeper
Minimum #: 3 players + 1 goalkeeper

All Adult Coed divisions:
6 field players (Maximum 3 males) + 1 goalkeeper
Minimum #: 4 players (2 must be female) + 1 goalkeeper


The Game ball is to be provided by the home team. (the team in bold print and listed first on the schedule).

Under 8/7/6/5/4:  Size 3 Ball
Under 12/11/10/9:  Size 4 Ball
Under 13 & above:  Size 5 Ball


For all under 19 and below & all Soccer Mom divisions, there will be a 5 minute golden goal, (first team that scores the golden goal wins), overtime. After the overtime if there is no golden goal, it will resort back to standings and the teams will retain their original ranking.

For divisions Men’s, Women’s, and Coed, there will be a shoot-out. The shootout format is as follows: The ball will be placed on the center of the red-line closest to the goal. Each shooter will have 5 seconds to dribble up and shoot. The shooter may shoot on goal as many times as possible within the 5 second time limit. The clock will start once the player touches the ball. The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line until the shooter has touched the ball, at that time the goalkeeper may come off his/her goal line to defend the goal. If the goalkeeper commits a foul, inside or outside of the penalty area, the result will be a penalty kick. The same shooter must take the penalty kick.

Each team will select five shooters and one goalie to represent their team. All participants must have played in the game. Once the shoot-out has started teams may not change goalies, unless he/she is injured. All selected players must wait in the center circle until it is their turn to participate. After you participate, you must stand along the wall opposite the player boxes between the redline and centerline. All non-participants must remain in the player’s box.

For Coed, the above format applies with the exception that each team will select six shooters and one goalkeeper to represent their team. The six shooters must consist of no more than 3 male players. Teams will rotate a male then female shooter. If a team has less female shooters then males the females will continue to rotate with the male shooters until a winner is determined.

Additional rounds, if after the first set of shooters from each team have shot and there is no winner, a NEW set of shooters must be selected. The format will then change to sudden death shoot-outs. Note: No player may shoot twice unless all players, including the goalkeeper, have already shot. For Coed, female shooters will continue to rotate with male shooters until a winner is determined.


Each team will have unlimited substitutions. Substitutions must be made through the field doors. A time penalty may be given for a player jumping over the boards when entering or exiting the field of play. Substitutions may be made “on the fly”, except for goalkeepers, when the ball is in play as long as the player coming off the field is within a 3 foot radius of his player box door, and not interfering with the play, when the replacing player enters the field. Too many players on the field will result in a two-minute penalty not designated to any one specific player. Players may call for a guaranteed substitution when the ball is out of play except when the ball is out due to a foul. A Goalkeeper may be substituted only during a guaranteed substitution. The referee shall then delay the restart of the game for a reasonable amount of time for the team to conduct the substitution and to position the new players on the field. If a referee feels that a team is delaying the restart of the game by not subbing within a reasonable amount of time the team may receive a 2 minute time penalty for illegal substitution. There will be no guaranteed substitutions allowed during the final two minutes of the game.


A player who commits any of the following offenses shall be penalized by the referee awarding a free kick. At the referee’s discretion, a blue, yellow, or red card may be issued for the following depending on the nature of the foul.

(a) Kicking an opponent
(b) Tripping an opponent
(c) Jumping into an opponent
(d) Striking an opponent
(e) Holding an opponent
(f) Pushing an opponent
(g) Handling the ball
(h) Boarding, propelling an opponent into the perimeter wall
(i) Playing in a dangerous manner
(j) Charging an opponent in a dangerous manner
(k) Charging fairly when the ball is not within playing distance
(l) Charging the goalkeeper inside the penalty area
(m) Obstructing an opponent without playing the ball
(n) Unsportsmanlike conduct
(o) For U11 and younger, has contact with the ball with any part of the head, whether intentional or unintentional.



Slide tackling shall be deemed a dangerous play and the referee shall award a free kick. The only exception is that a goalkeeper may slide tackle an opponent as long as the slide begins within the penalty area. Players are allowed to slide as long as the referee does not deem the slide to be dangerous to other players.

Playing The Ball On The Ground

A player may play the ball while he or she is on the ground as long as the referee does not deem it to be dangerous to other players.


To call a handball on a player, either of the following must occur. 1. The player’s hand or arm must strike or propel the ball. 2. The ball touches part of the arm and gives an advantage to that team. NOTE: The top of the shoulder shall not be considered a part of the arm.


A player may legally position his or her body in-between the ball and another player, thus blocking the other player from playing the ball as long as he/she has possession of the ball and it is within playing distance.

Advantage Call

The referee may opt to not call a foul during a play when the offensive team has possession of the ball and has a legitimate scoring opportunity. The referee will shout “Advantage!” acknowledging that a foul has occurred but the advantage rule applies. It is the Referee’s decision to apply this rule or to call the foul, if he/she feels that the foul needs to be addressed.

Dangerous Plays

In a Referee’s judgment, if a player goes into a play with their foot up, leading with the sole of the foot, they will be called for dangerous play. Also, in the Referee’s judgment, if a player has endangered another player by bringing their feet up above waist level, a foul will be called for dangerous play. At the Referee’s discretion, he may give a time penalty for such play. The player’s safety is of utmost importance so these fouls will be greatly enforced.

Tackling From Behind

In an effort to reduce injury, all tackles from behind, even if the player has played the ball, will be called as a foul. The Referee will hold sole authority to the judgment of tackles and shall penalize players as seen necessary.

Persistent Infringement

Players may be penalized for continually committing fouls throughout the game. All players need to respect the safety of all others on the field.

Referee Authority

Referee authority applies to enforcing the laws of the game, anything outside of that he/she must consult with AAIS management. All calls are the judgment of the Referee, and are final. Any and all calls made by the Referee are not subject to protest. If a Referee has given 3 red cards within the game, he or she is to halt the game and contact AAIS management. At which point, AAIS management has the discretion to terminate the game. The Referee has the ability to present a red card, prior to, during and after a game. It is sole authority of the AAIS management to determine player/team suspensions.

Bench Misconduct

Any team that empties the majority of its bench players onto the field during an infraction will receive an automatic forfeit and a 0-4 loss on the standings.


Category of Penalty Card Time Amount
Team Blue 2 minutes
Penal Blue 2 minutes
Unsportsmanlike Conduct Blue 2 minutes
Cautionable Yellow 2 minutes
Ejectionable Red Hard 5 minutes

Team Penalties

To be served by any player on the team.

Illegal Substitution:

  • Too many players on the field.
  • Substituting the goalkeeper while the ball is in play.
  • Using an unreasonable amount of time to substitute players.

Bench Misconduct:

  • Verbal abuse of the referee.
  • Throwing items onto the field.
  • Spitting on the turf.
  • Other unsportsmanlike conduct.

Penal Penalties

To be served by the player who committed the foul.

Penal Fouls:  Fouls which are deemed blatant in nature.
Penalty Kick:  Anytime a PK is awarded, a time penalty is issued.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties

To be served by the player.

Encroachment: Intentionally interfering with the taking of a free kick by being within 10 feet of the ball. The offensive team does not have to ask for the 10 feet.
Delay of Game: Intentionally touching the ball which causes a delay in the restart of play.
Persistent Infringement: A fourth foul committed by the same player during the first or second half of play.
Spitting On The Turf: For health and sanitary purposes.

Cautionable Time Penalties

To be served by the player cautioned.

Cumulative Penalty: A yellow card will be issued when a player receives a second blue card.
Serious Penal Offense:  Any penal foul perceived to be reckless.

Ejectionable Time Penalties

A player shall be ejected from the game and the player’s box. His/her team shall play a man short for 5 minutes regardless if the other team scores a goal. For additional information please refer to the Red Card Policy listed in the League Policies and Procedures.

Cumulative Penalty Ejection: Equivalent of three blue cards.
Unseemly Behavior: Spitting at other persons, using profanity, or similar unseemly behavior.
Violent Conduct: Striking, elbowing, head butting or any penal foul which is perceived to be violent in nature.

Delayed Time Penalty

The referee may apply the advantage rule and still issue a time penalty after:

  1. The defending team gains possession of the ball. Play shall be restarted with a free kick from the point of the original foul.
  2. A goal is scored. No time penalty will be served if the offensive team scores a goal. The card shall still be issued to the player.
  3. The referee stops play for any other stoppage. Play shall be restarted with a free kick from the point of the original foul.

Power Play Goal: If a team is playing shorthanded due to time penalties being served and the other team scores, one penalized player serving an un-expired time penalty may return to the field. The player having the least amount of time remaining on his penalty shall return to the field of play.

Equal Number of Penalties Elapsing: In situations where one player from each team is serving a penalty and a goal is scored, no player shall be released upon the scoring of a goal. Regardless of how much time remains on the penalties.

Multiple Penalties: A maximum of 2 penalties per team shall count down simultaneously. If a player is penalized while 2 players on his/her team are serving penalties, the player leaves the field, but the penalty time of the third player shall not commence until one of the previous time penalties expires. When a team is serving multiple time penalties, and playing two players down, the 3 line restriction does not apply to that team’s goalie.


The following goalkeeper restrictions shall cause the referee to stop play and award a free kick at the top of the restraining arc unless otherwise stated.

  1. A goalkeeper, having had control of the ball in his hands shall not handle the ball again until an opponent has touched it. The goalkeeper may not bounce the ball.
  2. The goalkeeper shall not handle the ball if it is passed from outside the defensive zone (redline) or dribbled over the redline and back into the defensive zone, unless it is touched by an opponent.
  3. A goalkeeper, with possession of the ball in the penalty area, must distribute the ball outside of the penalty area or to another player within 5 seconds. When the goalie is inside the penalty, possession of the ball applies whether the ball is in the goalies hands or at his feet.
  4. A goalkeeper who obtains possession of the ball outside of the penalty area may not bring the ball back into the penalty area and handle it, unless another player touches the ball, then the goalie may handle it.
  5. Handballs committed by the goalkeeper outside the penalty area may result in the following. If the referee perceives the handball to be intentional and thus eliminating a goal scoring opportunity, a time penalty must be awarded, and a free kick will be awarded at the spot of the foul, it is not a penalty kick. If the referee determines that the handball did not take away a goal scoring opportunity, a free kick will be awarded at the spot of the foul and no time penalty will be assessed.
  6. A goalie may not pass the ball across three lines in the air towards the opponent’s goal, without the ball previously touching another player, the ground, or the perimeter wall, before crossing the plane of the furthest red line. A free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the center of the redline closest to the offending goalkeepers goal


  1. Another member of the team may serve any time penalties assessed against the goalkeeper.
  2. A player may not obstruct the goalkeeper from putting the ball into play or obstruct him/her from gaining possession of the ball inside of the penalty area.
  3. An attacking player may not charge a goalie while he is within his penalty area.
  4. A player, who commits a foul that endangers the goalie, will be warned and/or issued a card.


Five Touch Rule

A male player may only touch the ball four times consecutively without giving up possession. When a defender touches the ball the touch count shall restart. The fifth consecutive touch on the ball will be considered a violation and the opposition will be awarded a free kick at the spot of the fifth touch.

Three Man Rule

If a member of the opposing team has not touched the ball and play has been continuous, every 3rd player on a team to touch the ball must be a woman. Two men, therefore, cannot pass the ball back and forth to each other. The goalie, if male, only counts as a man when he is outside his penalty area. When the goalkeeper touches the ball inside penalty area the 3 man count will restart.


A male goalkeeper is always counted as a neutral player when he is within his penalty area. Within his area he has unlimited touches and does not count in the 3 man rule, however, the 5 second possession rule still applies. When outside of his penalty area all the male restriction rules apply.

“LIVE” Rule

A woman must touch the ball in the offensive half of the field before a man can score. Once a woman has touched the ball it is “Live”, and will remain so until the entire ball has crossed the half line. Note: The half line is neutral, and is not considered the offensive half. Also, a woman can score from anywhere on the field.

No Goal Restart

If the ball is not live and an offensive player plays it directly into the goal, play shall be restarted with a goal kick. If the ball is not live and it enters into the goal after striking a defensive player the offensive team will be awarded a corner kick. When the ball is not live the goal is to be considered out of bounds, except when a Defensive Error (See Below) is ruled.

Defensive Error

Anytime a defensive player plays the ball thus causing the ball to enter his own team’s goal, a goal is awarded even if the ball is not “live”. The only exception is when the defensive team deflects a shot taken by the offensive team.


All restarts in the offensive half must be taken by a woman. This also includes penalty kicks. This does not apply to overtime shootouts.

Female Players

A coed team must start the game with a minimum of 2 female players however; the number of male field players may never exceed 3. A male player may be replaced with a female player. There are no restrictions on having more female players than male players. If a team has only one female player at the start of the game, a forfeit will result. Note: if a team is reduced to only 1 female player as a result of injury or penalty, play will continue as normal. If a female player is assessed a time penalty, the penalty must be served by that female player, unless she is the only female player on the team. In that case, a male must serve the penalty.

Coed Competitive

Includes all coed rules except the 5 Touch and the 3 Man Rule.


Rule 1 – The Ball

Under 8 divisions shall use a size three ball, Under 10 thru Under 12 divisions shall use a size four ball and Under 14 divisions shall use a size five.

Rule 2 – Field Players

There is no roster maximum. Each team can dual roster up to four players from their sister team. All divisions will have three field players and a goalie on the field. (U8 and below teams can have their coach on the field during the game). Player equipment and uniform rules will be recognized the same as our full field laws of the game.

Rule 3 – Substitutions

For all divisions: substitutions can only be made after a goal, if the ball is out of play, (into the net), after each half is over, or injury.

Rule 4 – Free Kicks

All restarts/free kicks are indirect, (must touch a team mate) and may not result in a goal, (including goal kicks and the place kick at center field).

Rule 5 – Fouls

In the event of a foul, the ball shall be placed at the point of the infraction. Fouls will be recognized the same as our full field A.A.I.S. laws. For U11 and younger, has contact with the ball with any part of the head, whether intentional or unintentional.

Rule 6 – Misconduct Fouls

The same rules apply for 4V4 play, as the full field youth A.A.I.S. laws. The only exception is if a player commits a carded offense, the carded player will sit out the penalized time and will be replaced by another player.

Rule 7 – Length of Game

For all divisions: there shall be two halves, each 25 minutes in length. The game begins with a three minute warm up period and a two minute half time. After the first half the teams will switch sides.

Rule 8 – Goal Keeper Violation

Goalies cannot throw or kick the ball, (in the air) three lines, past their offensive red line. If an infraction occurs, the ball shall be placed on the first red line the ball crossed and a free kick will be awarded to the opposing team.

Rule 9 – Red Line Violation

For all divisions: players can kick the ball three lines past their offensive red line, however it cannot result in a direct goal. If an infraction occurs, the ball shall be placed on the first red line the ball crossed and a free kick will be awarded to the opposing team. For all divisions: If the ball hits the top of the net, the ball shall be placed on the red line closest to where the ball hit the net.

Rule 10 – Live Rule

For all divisions: shots on goal must originate past your offensive red line to count as a goal. If a ball is kicked into the goal from outside your offensive red line, it will result in a goal kick.

Rule 11 – Defensive Error

Anytime a defensive player plays the ball thus causing the ball to enter his own team’s goal, a goal is awarded even if the ball is not “live”. The only exception is when the defensive team deflects a shot taken by the offensive team that originated from outside their offensive red line, if so this will result in a corner kick for the offensive team.

Rule 12 – Place Kick-Center Field

After every goal the defensive team must stand behind their defensive red line during each place kick. The kick off may be played in any direction, either forward or backward.


Rule 1:

Make sure the kids are having fun, we do not keep score.

Rule 2:

Game shall consist of: One 13 minute practice period for each team and two 20 minute halves with a 2 minute half time.

Rule 3:

There is no roster maximum and each team can dual roster up to four players from their sister team. Teams shall have 3 field players and a goalie on the field at any given time.

Rule 4:

All restarts shall be indirect kicks. No goals shall be counted if kicked from outside the offensive redline. In this case, the restart shall be a goal kick for the defending team.

Rule 5:

There shall be no own goals. In this case, the restart shall take place from the offensive redline for the attacking team.

Rule 6:

In a case where the ball is pinned between more than two players, against the wall, blow the play dead (so no one gets hurt) and award the ball to the defending team.

Rule 7:

When calling a foul, explain to the kids what the foul they committed and why they should not commit that foul, (i.e. holding, tripping, etc…).

Rule 8:

Before, during, and after all games, always encourage good sportsmanship.

Rule 9:

All players must wear shoes with out cleats, (no outdoor soccer shoes), shin guards with tall socks covering the guards at all times.

Rule 10: 

Sliding on the ground is not allowed at any time during play.

Rule 11:

All teams will use a size 3 soccer ball.

Rule 12:

Each team will have a coach on the field throughout the game to work with their players, encouraging participation and having fun.